The Italian Strategy for Artificial Intelligence 2024-2026 available online - AgID

A few days after the publication of the EU AI Act, the final document of the Italian Strategy for Artificial Intelligence 2024-2026 is available online.


The Italian Artificial Intelligence Strategy is an important step for Italy, which aims to play a leading role in the field of AI and technological change. This is also thanks to the important position it holds during its presidency of the G7.

The document reflects the government's commitment to creating an environment in which AI can develop in a safe, ethical and inclusive manner, maximising benefits and minimising potential adverse effects. It reviews the global context and Italy's positioning and defines strategic actions grouped in four macro areas: Research, Public Administration, Enterprise and Training. These areas are linked by a number of important and transversal specific actions. The strategy also includes a monitoring system and a regulatory analysis defining the framework in which it will be implemented. 

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